Mandarin Chinese Classes Celebrate "Mid-Autumn Festival"
The Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節 / 中秋节 zhōng qiū jié), aka moon festival, is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture. It is held on the 15th of the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, corresponding to mid-9月 to early 10月 of the Gregorian calendar.
All Mandarin Chinese students celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival in their classrooms this month. The celebration included learning a Tang Dynasty Poem, "静夜思 jìng yè shī" by Li Bai, and exploring the legend of the Moon Lady, 嫦娥, and a good toxophilite, 后羿. Students also engaged in the cultural tradition of making mooncakes, adding a hands-on experience to the festivities.
The Archmere Physics Club won 3rd place for the Physics Bowl Competition in the regional division, which encompassed the regions of Delaware, the District of Columbia, 印第安纳州, 肯塔基州, 密歇根, 维吉尼亚州, and West 维吉尼亚州. Congratulations to the moderator, Dr. 威尔科克斯, and the students who contributed, including Kabir Goyal, 凯文·肖, Sophia Chen, Kathrine Wang, and Rebecca Wang.
On 4月 16, Archmere defended their title against St. Marks with a thrilling one question lead in the Academic Bowl Championship. The Archmere team has won every championship since 2020, and hasn't lost a single competitive match for at least 3 years. Congratulations to the team and their moderator, Mr. 威尔科克斯!
On Thursday, 3月 14, Chuck Selvaggio, founder of the Wilmington-based Neighbors to 尼加拉瓜, spoke to students who are interested in traveling to Nueva Esperanza, 尼加拉瓜, to tutor students in Spanish at Centro de Oportunidad, the school Mr. Selvaggio built in 2011. Mr. 多尔蒂, head of the Global Studies Program, is hoping to travel to 尼加拉瓜 with 8-12 students (grades 10-12) over Thanksgiving break in 2024. With the support and guidance of the school's staff, Archmere students would teach basic reading skills to the children in the barrio of Nueva Esperanza and likely join them on a day-long excursion, perhaps to a waterpark. The 3月 14 tag day raised $800 for Mr. Selvaggio's organization. 联系 Mr. 多尔蒂 for more details.
We invite you to join current and past host families on Tuesday, 3月5日, from 6:30-8pm in the Patio Music Room, to learn more about the possibility of hosting a student through Archmere’s Global Studies Program. With several international visitors eager to come to Archmere next year, we hope to drum up some interest in this life-changing program. Click the link here to register for the Wine & Cheese Info Session. Please RSVP by Monday, 3月 4th.
The Global Studies Program is humming along these days. 在奥. 多尔蒂's successful trip to India over Thanksgiving with twelve students, Ms. Witte is leading forty students and four teachers to the British Isles over Easter break, where they will visit such famed cities as Dublin, 贝尔法斯特, 德里, 和伦敦. After school ends in 6月, six other students will accompany Ms. Yu to Taiwan where they will initiate what we hope will become a student exchange with a partner school. While in Taiwan, the group will explore Taipei, 选择茶, visit a 19th century trading port, take a train ride through the forest in Alishan...和更多的.